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EduOpen (Italy): We Implemented the eLearning platform, developed 373 courses, and enrolled 121,374 students in just one year. Sign up to get the detailed case study in your inbox!

Go Online with eLearning.

Start Today to Thrive in the $848.12 Billion eLearning Market by 2030.

We Make it Easy for You to go Online with Your Courses!

Having helped over 100 clients go online with their courses in the last 7 years, our experience in eLearning implementation and course development is unmatched!

With the eLearning market projected to rise to a massive $848.12 Billion by 2030, the sooner you enter this ocean the better.

We bet you have everything in place to deliver exceptional education to your students, employees, and clients. All you need to do now is go where the people are, and People Are Online! 

We live in an age, where if we don’t innovate, we become extinct, just like the Nokia Phones, Cassette Tapes, and Video Players.

Now, you don’t want to be the next Nokia phone, do you? 

Schedule a call with us to discuss your exact requirement. We will update you with the latest industry trends and how you can keep up with them and not get left behind.

Our Esteemed Client List

We Helped ‘EduOpen‘ Launch 373 Courses and Enroll 1,21,374 Students on their eLearning Platform!

Download eBook to Find out How.


You are about to Miss the ‘eLearning’ Bus!

Initially, eLearning was an elite concept reserved only for the top league universities but with the advancement in technology and the reach of the internet, eLearning is now a tool for organizations to reach the remotest places on the planet and impart education to people they never thought they could reach. 

Additionally, corporations are implementing eLearning platforms for training their employees in-house. 

Other industries are using LMS platforms to share methods, processes, and how-tos with their workforce on the field. 

If you don’t implement the LMS / eLearning system, you might miss the LMS wave!

Don’t Believe Us?

Here are some startling statistics!

 Over 110 million students worldwide are enrolled in at least one online course. (Source: Class Central)

According to a study by IBM, every $1 spent on eLearning results in a $30 increase in productivity. (Source: IBM)

Online education has become a preferred choice for working professionals, with 85% of them pursuing online courses to enhance their skills. (Source: The Economist)

E-learning has been proven to increase information retention rates by 25-60% compared to traditional classroom learning. (Source: Research Institute of America)

Over 98% of organizations in the USA have incorporated online learning into their training programs. (Source: Ambient Insight)

You Must Consider Deploying An ‘eLearning’ Platform NOW!

Here’s Why.

Boost Productivity

An eLearning platform enables employees to access training materials and resources conveniently, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in their roles.

Cost Savings

Implementing an eLearning platform eliminates the need for in-person training sessions, reducing travel expenses, venue costs, and training material production expenses.

Global Reach

With an eLearning platform, you can provide training to students across different locations, enabling consistent knowledge transfer and skill development.

On-Demand Learning

An eLearning platform offers on-demand access to training materials, empowering students to learn at their own pace and convenience, increasing engagement and knowledge retention.

Knowledge Management

An eLearning platform acts as a centralized repository for training materials, allowing for easy updates, version control, and knowledge sharing across your organization.

Competitive Advantage

By adopting an eLearning platform, you demonstrate a commitment to employee development and stay ahead of competitors who may still rely on traditional training methods.

Revenue Growth

With an eLearning platform, you can package your knowledge and expertise into digital courses or training modules, creating additional revenue streams, capitalizing on the growing demand for online learning.

Business Scalability

An eLearning platform enables you to scale your business by delivering training and educational content to a large number of learners, without the need for physical infrastructure or extensive resources.

Upsell and Cross-Sell

An eLearning platform allows you to offer additional courses, certifications, or premium content, providing upsell and cross-sell opportunities so that you can sell more to your existing client base.

Wondering what eLearning Training Material Looks Like?

Here are Samples from Courses we have Developed for our Clients.

Want to Deploy an ‘eLearning’ Platform in your Company / Institution?

Book a (no pressure) discovery call with us now.